It’s a wild ride and we’re here for it!

CAPTIS isn’t just another investment platform. We're the strategic partner you want in your corner to unlock extraordinary potential. We work with visionary organizations and entrepreneurs poised for exponential growth, and with investors who share our forward-thinking mindset.

Our sweet spot is taking those “perfect storm” situations that make others run for cover and turning them into game-changing opportunities.

Our experience

Vogue Singapore

DesignSingapore Council

LVMH Innovation Award

WRAP Compliance

Longfield Gardens

Blackhawk Network

News Corporation

Safeway Inc

Vogue Singapore DesignSingapore Council LVMH Innovation Award WRAP Compliance Longfield Gardens Blackhawk Network News Corporation Safeway Inc


Our team comprises talented founders, investors, operators, advisors, and mentors with real-world experience. We've been in the trenches ourselves with the wins and losses to prove it! We know what it takes to succeed.

We've built a powerful network of brands, tech geniuses, fellow investors, and strategic partners to unlock the full potential of the businesses we believe in.

How we partner

— Our Belief

We thrive where unpredictability is the only constant and challenging circumstances become launchpads for innovation and resilience. By embracing disruption, we catalyze shifts that reshape how people, communities and businesses interact with technology.

— Our Promise

From big corporations to scrappy startups, CAPTIS is the behind-the-scenes force propelling the next generation of industry game-changers. We don't just invest — we roll up our sleeves, actively challenge and support visionaries to shape the future.

— Who we look for

Whether you're a trailblazing startup, an established corporation, an organization open to change, or somewhere in between, we invite you to join our mission. Together, we'll architect a future that redefines possibility— starting now.


Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we’ll be in touch soon!